
Grown and 21?

Turning 21, more than freedom kind of demands maturity and to grow up?

well if it's growing up I declare myself a Grown child! age will come regardless, but I'm not letting it determine me. 
TURNING 21 = the same as being 20, with a little bit more of freedom in this society. Lets rock and roll, even at 50 let your inner kid enjoy it all.

 Dressed as a grown woman since I'm 21 right, but hey just for today.
"Black & White" are the definition of a perfect couple, they never go wrong, and with a touch of animal prints to spice things up.

xoxo Aimee.

Wearing: Express Coat  |  Elegantees Chelsea Tee  |  Joe Fresh Trousers  |  TJ Max (Guess) Heels  |  MK Bag.

Photos by


  1. Aww! This is so cute! happy birthday. :) I love that you are wearing an Elegantees top. BTW- we connected through IG. haha. Following you on G+, Youtube, and FB! I hope you can come visit my bloggie now too. I really like finding other fashion and faith bloggers.

    I just put up an interview with Kurandza, and am actually going to be posting about Elegantees this week too! If you do an elegantees feature, let me know, so I can link you!


  2. Oh- I mean I'm following you on Bloglovin' (you don't have G+)!
